15x15 Terrace and basement corner strainers

15x15 cm in size and width of the upper surface of about 58 mm - 86 mm hub-deep terrace and basementhigh-flow filters, wide-area projects that have the ability to drain water.

Applications : * Open Terrace Area * Bodrum Area * Wet areas * Indoor parking areas * Garden and open spaces

Important Note: As this product exposed to temparature change in balconies, our corner balcony strainers have been produced of compounded raw materials.

Product Code Description Size (Diameter)
MDTS 804 15x15 cm BOTTOM OUTLET Ø50 mm
MDTS 805 15x15 cm BOTTOM OUTLET Ø70 mm
MDTS 806 15x15 cm BOTTOM OUTLET Ø100 mm

MDTS 804 MDTS 805
MDTS 806